Friday, January 29, 2010

Episode 1: English Subtitles (New)

Okay, Episode 1 is done again.

About 3/4 of the way through, I decided I'm gonna start distinguishing between the different languages they're talking in. Most of it is in Mandarin, but if they're talking in Taiwanese, I'm gonna start labeling it with a [T]. Later, when they start talking in Japanese, I'll put a [J].

For the most part, A-Qing's mom always talks in Taiwanese, and A-Qing as a kid often talks to her in Taiwanese as well. A-Qing as an adult rarely - if ever - speaks in Taiwanese, and mostly only speaks in Mandarin.

And of course, when I have no clue what's being said, I just put [?]. Or, if I highly doubt the accuracy of my translation, I put the [?] there too.

Please comment with errors and suggested fixes. Thanks!

Download the subtitles here:


  1. Hi!

    I only just heard about this series, which sounds very much like my kind of thing. A little investigation brought me to your site - and now I find myself downloading the subs even though i don't have the eps yet! hehehe. I figure I'll find the video files eventually, but I might never get another chance to download the subs.

    Thank you so much for taking the trouble to do this, your work is really appreciated. :))

  2. thanks for your comment :)

    Update your profile so I can contact you and let you know where to find episode 1 for now

  3. Me again. Thanks for the offer. Profile updated! :)

  4. Thank you soooo much for translation!

  5. Thanks a lot for the hard work!!

    Your efforts are deeply appreciated!

    I have always wanted to watch the series but never could since it was in Chinese.

    I am in a torrent forum and I bet people will really like to know what you are doing. I will spread the word.

    Thanks again!

    Timing are pretty good, wished all the dialogs can be translated however, but they were few.

  6. Hey, don't mean to be a bother, but i can't download the subtitles. It says it's invalid or deleted :/ Appreciate the work tho :)

  7. To those who can't find the subtitle files: they are long gone. But all the data is still available at the laoban's wiki page (he refers to it on the front page of this blog):
    You can do some copypasta into the text editor of your choice, remove formatting (i.e., make plain text) and save with a .srt extension. Works fine.
    The first 3 episodes are pretty much done. 4,5,6 need some work. As just one hour-long episode is a big project, Ryan here has done more than his fair share. Thank you!
