Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Journey to Episode 20

Quoted from the SubCrystalBoys Wiki:

"I've worked hard to translate them with the help of a few friends. That took me 15-20 hours per episode! Thanks to Ryan who've started this project. Thanks to my friend for helping me translating or correcting my mistakes in English for some episodes! Improve the text if you want!
Enjoy now!!!!!  Daniel (aka siegfried5)"

Subbing episodes is arduous work, and many have made awesome contributions along the way.

Thank you, Daniel, for leading the Crystal Boys Subtitle Collaborative toward completion, and thank you to everyone who pitched in along the way!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm doing the translation in French now. :o) Daniel, alias SiegfriedQC

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Crystal Boys TV Series is now subbed in English, Français, Español (Thanks to Florentino Gutierrez R), Italiano (Thanks to Claudio Resti) and Slovenské (8 episodes - Thanks to Ivan). :-)
